
I like doing talks, especially to young people at universities or local groups.  Please get in touch with me on twitter: @carneross.

Some past talks and video:

BBC Newsnight “Viewsnight”: “Anarchism is our only alternative” 

“Why I am an anarchist” TEDx Skoll

My TED talk: An Independent Diplomat 

“A Gentle Anarchism”, Business Innovation Factory, Providence RI, September 19th 2012

‘The Art of Performing Political Innovation’: discussion at Eyebeam, 6pm, October 19th 2013

Personal Democracy Forum, New York City, June 12th 2012

“The Leaderless Revolution” The Carnegie Council, New York City, June 13th, 2012 (talk begins at 06:40 minutes)

Beautiful Vistas: A Speculation on the Future for Triple Canopy, Museum of Modern Art, PS1, June 21st, 2013

Carne gave a longer lecture about The Leaderless Revolution at the London School of Economics in September 2011.  This is a full exposition and discussion of the ideas in the book.

You can download a video or audio podcast of the talk here.