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Diplomacy, War and Anarchy: “Hidden Forces” podcast

Demetri Kofinas interviewed me for his “Hidden Forces” podcast.  You can hear our discussion here.  Demetri has added a useful reading list too, covering some of the subjects we discussed.  Thank you for a great discussion Demetri!  (Note, the web-page uses a very old photo of me.  I am unfortunately rather older than this pic suggests.)

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Nine Principles for Action (from The Leaderless Revolution)

I thought I would post the chapter from The Leaderless Revolution called “Niine Principles for Action”.  I welcome comments on anything here on my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/carnewross/.


Here is a short list of principles that may guide action, along with a few practical examples.  The principles are by no means exclusive, nor comprehensive: mere pointers, not instructions. 


Continue reading Nine Principles for Action (from The Leaderless Revolution)

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Interview with Cornell International Affairs Observer

I always really enjoy talking with students.  A few weeks ago, I gave a talk at Cornell and was interviewed by Marc Masson, a French post-grad there.  This was the result.  The interview covers the UN (and the new SG), some of the problems with diplomacy and some advice for those interested in careers in international relations.

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